Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Photoessay #1314 - Should it go?

Our living room carpet was not new when we moved in here in 1987. I know the math is hard, 24 years ago. I can't tell you how many dogs, cats and kids have peed, thrown up, and generally spilled on it since.

I remodeled the kitchen and dining room about 20 years ago and I never did like that floor, it has some damage to it also. Dennis and I had a difference in opinion; did you want to see your stick or not? In other words, as we had 4 small kids at the time, did you want to see that sticky spot you just stepped in. I said no, he said yes. The floor is very light.

I love a light kitchen and we have tons of light in there now so going a little darker on the floor wouldn't be any big deal.

We're think of going with one of those fake woods. Looks like hardwood but it's not. They have some nice ones. Kitchen, dining room, living room, hall. Then get a pretty nice rug for the living room.

But here's the question. Should we dump the fireplace? We've talked about taking it out over the years. It's a lousy fireplace. With that dated tile hearth and edging. Just the thing in 1973 when this house was built.

The only reasons I would want to keep it would be

a. our power goes out and we don't have any other stove. It could keep us warm in an emergency. But it doesn't give out much heat so so so so?

b resale - we'll likely sell this house in the next 10 years. Maybe people would want a crummy fireplace.

That wall where it's mounted is just dead space so we could make our living room substantially bigger (as big as can be expected in a split entry 1970s house) by using that space. Now's the time to do it as we're tearing out the floor.

Should we tear it out?

Almost all of our living room furniture is antique wood pieces. Dead parents. That's what happens, the stuff that should be in your mother's living room is now in yours. Plus tons of pictures of my dead relatives.

Readers, have your say. I think I'll post this picture on facebook also.

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