Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Photoessay #1295 - Emerging film director!

The other day we attended a screening for a short film "So this priest walks into a bar" made by Fidalgo Films, directed by Mark Lundsten. Fidalgo Films is owned by Mark and Teru Lundsten and they are my friends. In fact we recently visited them on a beautiful sunny day. Mark has been working on this for a long time, learning how to make films, how to write films. The result is a professionally produced short film (10 minutes) with a narrative and a twist. I can see that having professional actors and professional crew really makes a difference. This doesn't look amateur at all...because it isn't. Mark expects to enter it in film festivals. The screening was for sponsors (which we are kinda), actors and crew at the Northwest Film Forum downtown. Which we had never been to.

Fun trip downtown to Capitol Hill and a leadup to SIFF which starts later this week.

Best wishes to this emerging talented film director!

Picture taken of opening credits during the screening. Mark did the graphics which I thought were very effective.

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