Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Photoessay #1274 - University Bridge

University Bridge on Easter Sunday in Seattle. Taken from the obvious place, the deck and dock at Ivar's Salmon House situated on the Ship Canal. The bridge doesn't raise that often. But here the sides are raised to let the large sailboat through. The University of Washington in the background.

This bridge was first built of wood in 1919 and was extensively remodeled in 1933. Nearly 80 years ago! They used a revolutionary new webbed metal construction which would be appropriate for horses and cattle (apparently still a concern in 1933).

That typical April weather in the Pacific Northwest. I remember the very first year I moved here, I was working for ADP in the old Tower Building in downtown Seattle with a view of the Sound. We hadn't actually moved here, we were in the process. I had come from the California central valley spring, a season of balmy warmth. The sky looked like this and the wind blew sharp and cold over the water. My workmate Don K said "Ah, typical April weather." For my benefit, I'm sure. It worked. I thought "What the heck have I got myself into??"

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