Monday, November 1, 2010

Photoessay #1102 - Bad Romance

The Husky band takes the field after the football game and plays a spirited set as the fans exit. They play 4 or 5 numbers with the full accompaniment of the cheerleaders and dancers. A really great show played to a few dozen people in the huge stadium. Some of their best stuff strutted to empty seats and a lot of garbage.

Do other colleges do this? Is it to give some kind of rhythm or atmosphere for the fans who might find it takes a long time to get to the parking lot? Especially after a really miserable game (loss to Stanford 41-0, started out bad and got worse)

I've got to stay at my tunnel until 'the band leaves the field' so I enjoy the music. One night Oregon State brought their band so they BOTH were on the field trading numbers. One band would play and the other would dance. The baton people joined forces, really a jolly fun time. And after a good game, too, one of the Husky's best winning in two overtimes.

So the band plays this one song a lot. Has fast and slow parts and at the end a bunch of the band members rush to the front and dance kind of look like they're swimming. They must play it at least twice every game. Pretty peppy.

I realize I am probably the only person in our universe who doesn't recognize this song. I ask my fellow usher David on the way home in the car...what's that song? He seemed kind of shocked that I would even ask. "Lady Gaga ... Bad Romance" he says.

Oh. So I take a look and watch the video, oh now I get it. So I watch some more. Hey, I love this version. Looks like some college guys cutting it up. But the more I look at it, I think that these aren't just some dorm friends fooling around. Choreography too tight, these guys can dance, background singing well orchestrated, solos clear, the whole thing too well done. Plus the background does look familiar.

Turns out it's On The Rocks, an a cappella group at University of Oregon, no wonder. This is a signature tune for them. Watch it, it's fun!

Just have one more home football game. Scheduled for a Thursday. I think the administration thought it sounded like a good idea at the time. But now there's lots of bitching and moaning about traffic. The athletic department gave me parking passes but not for this one. I figured they would let me know what the plan was for staff transportation. Turns out, there's no plan. Maybe I'll take a bus from Wallingford.

The UW Huskies play next week against Oregon, #1 in both polls and the BCS rankings. Uh oh, look what Stanford did to them.

Two shots on top are the band playing to the vacated stadium in the dark while I wait at Tunnel 52 and a closeup.

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