Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Photoessay #895 - We did NOT lose our power

I mentioned 'Cliff' yesterday. I'm referring to Cliff Mass a local weather expert and faculty member at UW. His blog

One important fact, not only does Cliff predict and educate us all about the weather, he is responsible for the weather and also CONTROLS the weather. He's the man.

So the windstorm hit, I had all the flashlights and candles out.

Side note: where do all of your flashlights go, I had enough flashlights for everybody within a two block radius but now they've disappeared.

The wind blew and blew. Rained and rained. But still did not blow the last of the leaves off the trees. I firmly believe in only raking the lawn (or, let's be real, getting the lawn raked) ONE time. No raking until all of the leaves are off. So I have a six inch layer of wet gross leaves covering my yard. I'm hoping that neighbor kid Peter will do it for a large sum of money. He's already promised.

I'm fearful of losing my power. Awful. I'm still traumatized from the Hanukah-Eve storm of 2006 when we were without power for over 5 days. With a houseful of people. Not fun! Not at all! Never have recovered from that.

Only good thing about losing your power. You no longer have to worry about losing your poser because you ALREADY HAVE! Take that worry right off your plate.

Constantly polling. Are the light still on? still on? still on? still on? etc

Or maybe it's because I'm a little older, don't know. We have gas water heater and gas stove. Lousy fireplace but some wood. But no light, no internet, etc.

Cool picture, huh? It's Anderson Alpine Lodge in New Zealand. Wanted to show a house in darkness that STILL HAS it's power. Used without permission

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