Monday, November 16, 2009

Photoessay #894 - Friends?

Another request (from Margaret) for a Teddy post!

As winter approaches (hey it's already here, one of those dreaded November windstorms coming right up), our cat Starbaby has decided it's time to come in. She's been on strike in regards to Teddy but now, time to bring Teddy into line.

She had an intense weird relationship with Shadow, she loved Shadow to 'chew her up' and drag her around. She encouraged it.

So time to train the boy into a good cat companion, Starbaby-style. She likes to be nuzzled and groomed. Teddy would like to see some wrestling, you know "I knock you down, you knock me down" but Starbaby's not going for it. She will allow herself to be pawed a bit. And "I'll sit right up herE and whack at you" is always popular.

Plus go out into the backyard and play games. Shadow did this, problem was...Starbaby always chose the game. The last game being "Ditch Shadow".

Things will look up for Starbaby because Naomi is coming home at the end of this week.

The local channel King 5 is doing apiece on Shorecrest's 'Hey Ya' video. The things got legs.

I would freak out about the windstorm that's coming but Clint says, I repeat Clint Says:

But this is not a major windstorm like the one in Dec 2006.

I'm holding you to that!!

He's referring to the "Hannukah Eve" windstorm that left us without power for over 5 days.

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