Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Photoessay #881 - A touch of Halloween

My sister carved this pumpkin and brought it to my mom's. Yeah, you're thinking the same as me. This girl could carve stamps, oh yes. I struggle along with lousy fine motor coordination. My sister is the one who does the craftsy things, needlepoint, etc. Me? I read books and meddle.

Nice looking carve. My brother kept teasing her insisting that he couldn't see the winking eye. She had a tealight candle and we lit it Halloween night. We were busy inside watching the Oregon Ducks/USC football game. Go Ducks! No trick or treaters. Dennis said there were very few here.

Tomorrow I have to go to jury duty. I'm not used to going downtown on the bus, etc. I think I can do it from the Northgate P&R. Just not exactly sure where to catch the bus, where to park. A bus does run from here in the morning but no good if you don't come home in early evening. I don't get paid if I don't work so clearly I just want to do the two days. Two and a Cue, as they say in softball. Referring to a double elimination tournament. You lose the first two games and fire up the barbeeecue because your are DONE. It's happened. Wish me luck tomorrow.

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