Saturday, April 6, 2024

Big time birthday party

 These days, you have to have a theme for a child's birthday party.   For Frank's 3rd birthday, Ilana chose "First Responders" as a theme.  Even when I was there last month, I suggested that maybe a policeman might come for a visit to Frank's birthday party which was at a community center.  To her delight, they told her that a policeman would come.

So Ilana and Matt carefully let Frank and all his day care buddies that a policeman might come.  Frankie was worried he would be arrested.  No, no three year olds  would be arrested.

Also the fire dept came, can you believe it?

So the when the policeman arrived, it was not just one policeman, it was the entire shift!  8 police cars; 21 people showed up for a 3 year old's birthday party at the community center.  True story!  Here's the picture to prove it.  I think people in the minority neighborhood were concerned, 8 police cars showing up?  Some neighbors asked 'everything ok up there?"

Ilana thought maybe they were heavily staffed because they are on the full eclipse path.  Everything is closed down on Monday.  Maybe there was nothing else else going on at 10 am on a Saturday morning in Bloomington IN.

But, they are NEVER going to beat this party, no way!

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