Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Pacific Northwest Quarterly

Pacific Northwest Quarterly out of the University of Washington is the leading academic history journal in this region.  I put out a feeler a week or so ago about my Fundraising Fair piece and they  invited me to submit,

Whoa!  I was definitely getting closer to finishing the piece but that meant I had to get it ready to submit, like right now!  My writing group (Anne, Diana, Helen) had read several drafts over the last few months.  Archives Committee members (Susan, Nancy) agreed to read and critique it on short notice.  The Washington State Jewish Historical Society agreed that I could use that affiliation.  I also use 'University of Washington'.  I had to get Dennis to beautify it.  Straighten out my citations.

I was going full blast last week on this even in the middle of that drat election.  Submitted it on Friday, got confirmation of submission today.  They say, on their website, that the process can take six months.

I didn't even ask about simultaneous submission.

This does not mean that the piece is accepted.  It just means that the editor has said they are interested and will read it.  If the editor decides it should go further, it will be sent out for review.

I've just gotten over the first step.

Met with my genealogy group last night.  We all said, regarding the election, "when I stopped crying,"  Various ideas about action.  Heidi says she's taking to the streets.

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