Monday, August 17, 2015

Did we do the gleaning?

Did Dennis and I do the gleaning (collection of excess products) at the Broadway Farmers Market the other weekend?  Middle of Ilana week on the blog.

We did.  Before we went, I was kind of worried that I had signed us up for the wrong job.  I suspected it involved heavy lifting (which it does, 60 pounds of squash anyone?).  But Dennis and I were able to work as a team.  I approached the farmer and did the ask and wrote down the results and Dennis took the contribution and added it to our cart.  It was just Dennis and me and a staff person.  Not too organized but we got it done.  We got a lot (time of the year) which we dragged on the two carts and up to the food bank where we weighed it and got it into the cooler.  I sure hope they were able to distribute it.  And there was a 60 pound box of squash (Thanks Alvarez farms).

We signed up next week.  Supposedly there's going to be a brand new staff member supervising this time.  We're the experienced group after doing it exactly once!

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