Thursday, January 23, 2014

Photoessay #2846 - Spring Meeting Presentation!

I found out last evening that I'll be presenting at the Spring Meeting; a one day conference hosted by the Association for Study of Connecticut History in Fairfield CT on April 5.  Yippee!  This is huge for me.  There's a little confusion about what; but I'm assuming it will be the general Maier Zunder paper.

I'll be in a session with two other papers under a ethnicity and race title.  Yeah, the Jews still really aren't white people.

This is the small academic organization that published my devotional exercise paper last year.  Picture is from their website of a former meeting.

Dennis will come with me for technical support; whew.  I just have to nail it down and start working again.  I have all of the books out of the UW library.  My current professor will help.  She also says that I can use the university as an afiliation.

I'm set up for success!

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