Sunday, January 12, 2014

Photoessay #2845 - Ilana/Matt engagement pictures

Ilana and Matt had a whole series of engagement pictures taken when they were here at the holidays.  She posted a bunch of them on facebook.  A lot of them are very engaging.  So I'll feature one here.  I cropped it down a bit.  Some photographers these days have a whole bunch of the background visible with the people just a small part of the picture.  We want to see the people!

This picture was taken at the reading room in Suzallo Library at the University of Washington.  It helped that the school was on break so very few of the people were around.  They had some taken on the staircase and some outside; turned out to be a pretty nice day.  I'll share some others in other posts.

They both graduated from the University of Washington.  They now live in Indiana.

Nice straightforward picture with clear smiles.

Photos done by Chris Gendron.

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