Friday, January 10, 2014

Photoessay #2843 - "Too much Latin hath made him mad"

Every once in a while, it's good to google your ancestor's names to see if there's anything new floating around the net.

Today I poked around looking for references for my paternal grandfather Harold Joseph Ginsburgh.  Son of an immigrant from Posen (now part of Poland, previously Prussia).  My great granfather worked as a lithographer.  His son, Harold attended University of Rochester for a few years, then won a scholarship to Harvard where he graduated as part of the Class of 1920.  Harvard remained the dominant institution in his life.  He became an actuary and insurance company executive. 

I was his first grandchild and his favorite.  I wondered if I was too presumptive saying that.  When I asked my brother and sister what they thought, they both said "Are you kidding?  You were always the one!"

So I found a few new things.  From the Proceedings of the Casualty Actual Actuarial Society dated November 16, 1945, "Developments Under the New Legal Environment of Insurance; Presidential Address by Harold J. Ginsburgh."  Twelve dense pages.  He was president of this national organization for a number of years.  Should I try to get through it?

And this.  The 1916 yearbook for East High School in Rochester.  Here's his entry.  Wonder what "Wearer of Debating Pin" is.

There's an essay poking fun at the 120 graduates---
This fellow over here with the big head and glasses.  That's Ginsburgh.  He's changed, has he not?  He used to be a college professor in Greek.
I think this is the nerd of an earlier time.  But my grandfather loved those classical languages his entire life.  I remember him pulling books off the shelf and reading the original latin or greek and telling me what they meant.  He was so happy doing that.

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