Sunday, January 5, 2014

Photoessay #2838 - Winter Storm Ion

Here in Seattle it's 43 and, yes, hard to believe, sunny.  The endless gray dark days really make me think that snowbirding is not such a bad idea.

Remember how I've said many times in the last 20 years that my family got midwestern when I wasn't looking?

In the midwest, I have my brother in the Chicago area.  He just called me with the blow by blow.  He's got a lot of snow and getting more and it's supposed to get real real cold.

My daughter Ilana is in Lafayette IN and they've done their panic shopping (she gets that from her mom) and they're in for the duration.  Snow then real real cold.

My sister Pam also in Lafayette IN also home, is working on shoveling her driveway.

My daughter Susanna left here yesterday for another sojourn in the Deep South (Birmingham AL). She called this morning; she got stuck in Houston overnight (the incoming crew was stranded somewhere snowy) but apparently they put her on a plane to Huntsville.  She has a friend who's coming to Huntsville to pick her up.

My late parents moved to Rockford IL about the time I graduated college.

See Midwestern.  Nuts if you ask me.

Picture taken from, used without permission.

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