Thursday, December 5, 2013

Photoessay #2807 - Nobuko again

Another picture of Nobuko taken during Naomi's visit.  I recognize the place; the garden behind the temple that Nobuko's family.  And the place, right by the entrance where Nobuko's family has their stone.  Her husband's ashes (Tadeshia) are there.  He died of esophageal cancer at age 60.  He smoked heavily like many Japanese.  We met him when they came to visit us in 2002.  I'm sure, I have a picture.

Nobuko is right there but it is so hard to communicate with her.  She spent a year in American at age 18 so her spoken English comes back to her easily.  Writing not so much.  Email also not so much.  So, there she is.  So grateful to her for hosting Naomi and Jackie for a few days last month.

I had pointed out that Japanese institutions are not always visible on the web.  For example, you cannot find anything on her center tor autistic children and adults, Ai Ai.  But it's a good size legitimate center in Yamagata, a provincial city.

A shout out to Nobuko, we love you!

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