Saturday, October 19, 2013

Photoessay #2562 - North Cascades Highway

Three weeks ago, we went on a 5 day road trip.  The last day we went over the North Cascades Highway which they close every winter.  We did see quite a bit of snow (and snowing on us) on the Washington Pass summit.  And hardly any other cars on the road.  Makes you kind of wonder what you are doing there.  Beginning of October, weekday.

This picture was taken west of the pass.  It wasn't a bright day, so I didn't want to brighten the image too much.  I've seen parts of clouds and mist stuck in the mountains going over the Cascades on I-90.  Kind of eerie.  But we were over the mountains to the gray and cloudy foothills and lowlands.

We stopped for a soggy picnic lunch at Newhalem, that old company town, that did have some picnic tables.  We had purchased the sandwiches in Twisp, before we left town because I knew there was no place, I mean NO PLACE to buy anything past Winthrop.  Actually we never had been to Winthrop though it does a fair amount of tourist trade as part of the Methow Valley.

We really did like the place we stayed in Twisp...Twisp River Inn & Suites.  It's pretty new.  Originally we were signed up for this tiny room; no I didn't like that.  But being off-season mid-week, we made a very good deal on the one bedroom suite next door.  Beautifully appointed and desgned.  Overlooking the river.  They had a little gas fireplace right now by the rived and a beautiful breakfast.

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