Thursday, September 26, 2013

Photoessay #2450 - Landscape archaeology

This time I went to class the right day.  "Archaeology as Landscape."  Looks pretty tough; the professor had told me that it would be a lot of theory which always challenges me.  About 20 people in the class.  One other access student.  The professor likes to treat access students, just like everybody else.  The other access student didn't seem to like that; might be too much pressure.

So we'll see how it plays out.  One thing that we have to do right away is start devising 'research topics' based on the reading.  It's one of those you 'get it' or you don't. sort of things.  You put it up your entry on the discussion list and he lets you know if you're on the right track.  Then, in class, we will all discuss the topics posted.  I'm real sorry to miss the next two classes, I'm sure that's when people will be flailing around trying to get the hang of it.  I'm sure that's the hallmark of a true seminar.

This material is hard, no question. Here's my first attempt:

Wikinson in his first chapter of “Archaeological Landscapes of the Middle East” mentions that landscape archaeology has followed the main trends of archaeology in general:
1.     The cultural-historical approach or school of landscape history
2.     The Processual  Approach using a scientific methodology
3.     The Post processual  Critique considering more subjective elements including ritual, power, memory
He describes himself historically as being in the Processual School (2) but using elements from Landscape History(1).
How might his inclusion of Post-processual Critique (3) techniques change his analysis of the landscape of the Middle East?

I dunno, this stuff is scary to me.  I've got to be ready to be wrong.

Graphic taken from the website of a landscapre archaeology class from the University of Illinois.

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