Sunday, January 20, 2013

Phhotoessay #2867 - Surgical Strike trip

So I'm off with my brother (he's coming from Chicago) to New Haven tomorrow.  This goal of the 'surgical strike' trip is to make definitie images of the portions of the Zunder Family Scrapbooks done during Maier's time.  About the first half of the three volumes.

My discovery last trip, in October, the "cousin extravaganza tour" was that Maier had kept the scrapbooks himself.  Previously I was just raiding the scrapbooks for content.  I believe that I can write a paper about Maier keeping his own scrapbooks.  Why he might have done it.  What he chose to include, what to leave out.

Some of the articles are in German; I'm in the process of getting those translated (for a price).

Charlie is prepared to take comprehensive images of the pages of the scrapbooks.  So we'll have a true record.

They're just about to completely disintegrate.

We've allowed 4 days on the ground.  Maybe it will all get done in the first day.  I have lots of ideas of other places to go.  Or we can hang out with Mary Ann or her kids and grandkids.  Or go home a day early.  I'm not sure how that works on Southwest

We bothered Flash plenty last time with the extravaganza trip.

Supposed to be a little snowy but not so bad.

Our destination!  Marvin and the Jewish Historical Society of Greater New Haven.

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