Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Photoessay #2094 - She made it

Susanna posted it on Facebook so it must be true. The girl has made it to Alabama. I heard that she was able to move into her apartment. Let the adventure begin!

For me, Alabama seems a world away, foreign. But things happen for a reason so there must be one for our girl to go to OT school in the deep south.

She laughingly blames it on me. You, mom, were the one who suggested that I apply to all these schools. "Cast your net widely," I had said, "if they are accredited and don't require the GRE, apply!" So she did and that's where she got in.

 I'm getting excited, my article is getting close to being submitted to a real live academic journal. I think I see what to do. I'm going to try it! I will need Dennis' help on it because I want to re-do the sections. Dump that roman numeral pagination at the beginning. More important to be able to do my footnotes. We'll see!

Picture Susanna posted on Facebook

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