Saturday, July 21, 2012

Photoessay #2094 - Ilana's new house

Ilana and Matt are thrilled with the new house they recently rented in Indiana.  The owners painted the rooms rich colors and the hardwood floors and in good condition.  There's even a ready-made vegetable garden in the back.

Not a large house, two bedroom, one bath.  But a large living room and nice kitchen with good light.  And, for this year anyway, it's their house.  Quiet neighborhood, they could have a kitty.

My sister and niece and some other friends helped them move in.  They feel really settled right now.

Susanna had an eventful first day.  Some suspected car trouble for Megan in the Rockies.  They arrived in Bozeman late at night to find all the hotels filled; there's big fair going on.  Nothing for miles.  So, in the new American tradition, they chose Hotel Walmart (parking lot).  I hate to admit it but I suggested it.  Megan's car got checked out so they're on their way to Colorado to visit Megan's family.

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