Sunday, July 29, 2012

Photoessay #2092 - New life

To balance out the faces of loss from the other day, I'll include a picture of new life.  Not the greatest picture.  10 year old Naomi or a nurse took it?  Don't know.

In November 2000, Sophoey gave birth to my granddaughter Melina.  When I heard that the baby was born, on impulse, I grabbed Naomi out of school and we took off for the eastside.  How often do you get to see a newborn baby?  So we visited this less than 1 day old baby Melina.  Sophoey looks so happy and proud as any new mother would.

Naomi's never forgotten it.  Now Melina is 11, we saw her the other day.  She comes over, we do stuff, we include her in our activities.  Danny has taken on a more active role.

Kinship runs strong no matter how unusual the circumstances.

Yesterday I heard from the editor of Connecticut History that she would be interested in seeing my devotional exercise paper.  So I'm all in a dither, revising it once again.  I need it to have endnotes which is tricky.  I had to reformat lots of the footnotes for various added lines and wrong line spacing.  Is it too long?  Does it have appropriate historical context?  I don't know!

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