Saturday, May 26, 2012

Photoessay #2059 - Million Melinas

This morning we took Melina to one of the 'family' SIFF movies.  The Painting.  Excellent, beautiful at the Egyptian Theater just off Broadway.  They had two mirrors across from each other.  Yup, you can get that reflection into the ages.  This shot, is not technically very good; not in sharp focus.

But Melina is standing in front and I'm trying to get the reflection thing going off into the distance.  Melina, when she looked at the picture said "is that the way I look from the back?"

Melina got very excited about a movie from Cambodia at SIFF.  Actually, it's a retrospective of the Cambodian film industry pre Khmer Rouge.  It would be tricky to get her there but we could do it.

Afterwards we had a picnic lunch by the Japanese garden, went to the garden then did some letterboxing in the arboretum.  Set of seven boxes, we found six.  Which means lots of rummaging around in brush .  Roots and Shoots out of Redmond does a good job though!

Gorgeous day, glad we spent the afternoon outside.

And the Oregon Ducks are on their way to the Women's College World Series, winning two from Texas today in the super-regional.  Whoo hoo!

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