Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Photoessay #2041 - Document preparation

Since I've come home, I've been working on my main Maier Zunder paper.  I've written about 15 pages of the devotional exercises paper.  But I knew it would take a lot of work to get the main paper into shape.  I had the text (which likely needs another revision) and a collection of pictures and documents mostly included in my overworking mind.

So I've been working on this for *3* days.  It's getting close.  I've prepared and added the pictures, picked the appendixes, scanned those documents, put everything in order.

The teacher had VERY specific ideas about what elements to include and what kinds of page numbers to start and stop in each section.  I thought I would have to have a prior file just for that.  But, as I got closer, I realized that WORD would make a Table of Contents.  Yes!  And a list of figures and pictures.  Double Yes!

I have some verbiage about hos to put the roman and arabic number ranges using sections.  But I'm confused about that.  Will ask my trusty husband when he comes home.  He'll crab and complain but he'll do it.

So it's close but I can't believe how much time it has taken me.  Currently running at about 75 pages.  Title (at this time):
Maier Zunder
A Leading Citizen of Nineteenth Century New Haven

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