Sunday, April 29, 2012

Photoessay #2032 - Exscess in Dearborn

Last night we traveled to Dearborn, home to the biggest middle-eastern community in the US (or similar).  We knew about Shatila's which must be experienced.

We've eaten middle-eastern the whole time here anyway (hummus, sharma, etc)  Matt found a restaurant in Dearborn for dinner he wanted to try. Hamido's just down the street.  Small busy plate, clearly locally owned, women in headscarves.  They had a combo offer for five for $65, let's get that, then we can try everything.  We neglected to notice the word 'feast'.  Neither  did we know that it could have easily fed 10.

Started with lots of pita and hummas and baba ganush.  Then a giant bowl of arabic style salad, delicious.  That could have been enough.  But then the feast arrived.  I have a picture when it was set down on the table and the look on Naomi, Ila na and Matt's faces.  I thought "Oh no, I didn't!"  But I did.  Giant platter of rice and nut pilaf, all sorts of kebob meat and chicken and felafel and heaven's knows what.  All delicious.  We could not come close to eating it. We brought a huge amount of food home which we can eat today.

If that wasn't enough, we went down the street to Shatila's which is a large attractive dessert place.  Packed, mostly with muslim families.  They have a huge selection of large attractive french pastries, nothing more than $1.50.  Beautiful, fresh tasty.   But then they have the middle-eastern pastries.  You don't know what they are and nobody will tell you but buy them anyway, you can't go wrong.  Lots of bustle and crowd action.  You take a number and they go fast.  You must jump up and wave your number or you will be passed up.  I found that neither the staff or the customers would tell me what anything was.  You just have to go for it.  So I bought two big trays of middle-eastern pastries and seven or eight big french pastries.  Total cost $22.

But I can't even look at any of it today.  Truly a vacation excess.;  But on Warren Street in Dearborn you can go overboard on wonderful food for cheap.

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