Friday, March 9, 2012

Photoessay #1981 - Future of this blog?

I've been faithfully writing this blog every day for almost 5 years now. Every day I write something. I've made 3 blog books and am putting together another one for 2011. I did get a letter about using copyright material for some blog entry from 2009. I think I took an image of a redwood from a nursey website. Giving credit nut not permission. I took out the picture and republished but it still didn't seem to work. So i don't get it.

I have used pictures from other places. Is that fair use? Who can say?

My husband says I reveal too much to the general internet on this blog, maybe so. My daughter doesn't want the name of her employer up. She says my blog comes up very high on a google search because I update every day. I certainly never put the name of my previous employer up. Ever. Especially as things started to fall apart. So I can understand.

I have a bigger readership than ever before. How big? Hard to say, 50-80 people per day? So what do you all think?

Picture today is the logo of blog2print, which I've used to print my annual blog book.

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