Thursday, March 1, 2012

Photoessay #1973 - Hot hand

Today, I had the hot hand on my Maier Zunder project.

Sarah, our geneaalogy teacher was teaching us about using probate records. Part of it involves a clerk copying in somebody's will into the official record on their death. Maier Zunder died in 1901. There's some official notices from 1902. A few weeks ago, I visited the Family Search Center at the local LDS church. I saw a multi-volume Germans to America set of books. Tons of passenger lists from 1850 on. Couldn't find anything. I ordered the 1901 probate microfilms.

One out of the three reels was in. I went over to give it a shot. Sure enough, wills all copied in by one person longhand. No index, no order, they didn't even start at the top of the page for a new will. Paper was too dear?

A long reel, I thought, I will never find it, I don't even know if it's here. Well, I told myself, I'll just look for awhile. And then I found it. Right near the beginning of the first reel I tried. Maier Zunder's will! I was shocked. With much effort, we managed to make copies on their special machine.

Some surprises, the family story was that he only give each family member a small amount and expected his sons to continue to run the business and provide for everybody. He gave $500 to each of his children, he referred to my great grandmother as Othilea which I have NEVER seen before.

We have a mystery on our hands. The eighth section where he specifically bequeaths his niece $100. But who IS that? Livia Kalberger?? Or similar. Anybody have any ideas???

So that's all great. I attacked the Germans to America books and I found records for

a. Besla, Getta and Sara Zunder coming in 1854 on the Germania
b. Babette Zunder in 1850 on the Charles Edward (I can see that on Ancestry)
c. Flora (age 12) and Carl Rosenthal (age 10) coming in 1877 on the Hermann

I can't see Mina or Albert coming. Did those two children travel by themselves? Maier came in 1848 and these records started in 1850.

I also spent quite a long time with somebody I met there trying to see if she has any Jewish heritage. You just can'te tell by name.

But pretty good haul. I truly had the hot hand today!

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