Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Photoessay #1964 - Yartzeit

Today is my mother's yartzeit, the anniversary of her death. Two years. Feb 21, 2010. I"m using the 'money' picture that we featured on the obituary. My brother, sister and I agreed that this would be the most appropriate picture, no dispute at all. She's in the community at River Bluff doing her thing.

So, it's been harder than I realized to have both your parents gone. Not surprising, I guess. But it does do something to you. Even if you sometimes found them trying, when they're gone, they are so so gone, you can't even beleive it. However it's the circle of life; you wouldn't want it any other way. You would not want to die before your parents; who would want to wish on any parent the death of their child? I know people who have experienced this and the pain can overwhelm you. And my mother's body was giving out, she had congestive heart failure, she couldn't go on like she did.

Yet, she had a good time that last year or so. We had my sister's bat mitzvah in Rockford; a great time. My mom insisted on supervising. A small event on a Friday night with a modest reception afterwards. And them my niece Teresa's bat mitzvah in Lafayette the following summer. My mom really enjoyed that...and picked up every bill she could see. My cousin Mary Ann came and took care of my mom that weekend. Payback, said Mary Ann as my sister had accompanied my mom and took care of her on her trip to Mary Ann's daughter's wedding.

My mom managed her death beautifully. I've written about it many times. My piece about it here. I am so glad that I had plenty of time those last few months to spend in Rockford. Everything happens for a reason, they say.

My life may feature Lafayette even more in the future...

I do miss my parents, I do....

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