Friday, January 27, 2012

Photoessay #1939 - Hospital

All is ok, don't worry, loyal readers.

Today, I went to Swedish Hospital and University Hospital (aka University of Washington Medical Center) dropping $12 in parking charges before 12:30 pm. I went to University Hospital to visit a friend who ended up in ICU after a bad reaction to something in a routine biopsy. Her daughter asked me to come which I did. I promised her daughter I would stay with her mom. She did have some pain medication and was getting drowsy. I asked, after a while, if she's like to take a nap, she said she would so I left. She's looking in good shape and expects to be released today.

You know what they say. What's the difference between major and minor surgery? Minor surgery is when it happens to somebody else.

Earlier I had gone to the large Swedish Hospital complex for a routine periodic appointment with an endocrinologist. I stayed a little longer, went to the cafeteria so I wouldn't be looking for lunch at the second hospital.

James and his helpers have been here most all week working on our hall/wall board/molding/door issues. We had two areas of panic dog damage from our previous dog, some wallboard work needs to be finished for the fireplace installation. We hadn't done anything to our hallway in the 24 years we've lived here in this conventional 1970s era split entry house. The old plastic molding was chipped and falling off, the doors had holes and marks on them, we decided to get it all fixed up. We are going to have the most beautiful hallways for miles around. I figured there are seven doors off that hallway. That's a lot of doors and little pieces of molding and trim.

Picture is of University Hospital. It is quite near Husky Football stadium where they have already dynamited my section in the stands.

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