Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Photoessay #1287 - Family Law

So I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV. But I did, uh, participate fully in a family law matter down at the County Courthouse. For a long time this morning and afternoon.

Aside: Once on a different matter in Juvenile Court, this parent asked me to sit up on the front chairs with her. Like an attorney. Her ex-husband and daughter had an attorney and she didn't. At one point, I asked a clarifying question and the lawyer for the other side strenuously objected about me saying something which was upheld by the judge. I was effectively intimidated. Now, what the heck? Why CAN'T I say something? This lawyer explained to me on another day said it was because I was not a member of the bar. How did THEY know I wasn't a member of the bar. I guess it's all an insider's game.

Second aside: They previously appointed a Court Appointed Special Advocate to evaluate on behalf of the child and write the report. I am in current custody of this report. There are novels shorter than this thing. 30 pages single spaced, lordy lordy with tons of hearsay and accusations. This upset the parent very much; we are planning a ritual burning. Of the report, not the parent. Nor of the other parent, though it is tempting. I called my friend who is a director of social services and a CASA worker herself. She says they are usually a page and a half. The parent did not intend to contest the CASA findings, the child, in this case is 16 years old.

So this matter was about a parenting plan and child support. A flurry of papers exchanged at the last minute. A judge pro tem. As usual the other parent had an attorney. But the judge was determined that this matter would not be continued. Several episodes 'out in the hall' (where apparently most of the work gets done). She made it clear that this was all going to be settled TODAY. You got 10 minutes out in the hall to figure it out. Was justice served? not sure. But things definitely GOT DONE. But my friend got a LOT of what she wanted even with her pro se representation. Most importantly, the negative allegations against her, were taken out of the parenting plan. She'll play child support and the insurance premium. She will not be assessed the legal fees.

And there was definite language that the matter nor the court documents would be shared with a child. For the time being. But the other parent has brought approx 200 court motions against my friend. Who says this is the last time?

So I was involved, helping to evaluate the papers and the drafts and helping my friend structure what she would say in court. An odyssey of sorts. But glad I could help. And kind of play at being a lawyer.

I sure would not want to work at family court...kind of like a television episode, there were 3 or 4 other cases involved. They came in and testified then sent outside to work on it and came back. Some parents with representation some not. A lot of accusations and sad stories....

Courtroom picture lifted from a familylawtoday.blogspot.com used without permission. The courtroom we were in today, though functional was not this grand.

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