Sunday, November 7, 2010

Phhotoessay #1108 - Baby naming

In 1989, my parents arranged for a family gathering in Newport Beach, California. Some how, they were able to rent a beautiful house right on the beach for a week. I know that my mom had always wanted to be in one of those beachfront houses. She had her 40th anniversary in mind but did it a year earlier. I think she was worried about the health of my grandparents.

A jewish baby-naming became part of the plans when she arrived just months before the event. My parents even arranged for plane tickets for all of us and, though my brother and sister were both married at the time, my family overpowered demographically. LouAnn Taback came to do the actual ceremony; she later came to Indiana for Teresa (not born yet)'s bat mitzvah. I have the picture made of everybody at a dinner at my grandparent's place, Have I ever scanned that?

I think we are trying to pose for a picture here..left to right

Either my grandmother and grandfather are sitting on a chair, holding Elgie's hand
My aunt Elgie whispering some kind of encouragement to seven year old Danny
Danny, he's worried about something
My brother Charlie (face obscured)
His wife at that time Corliss
My sister Pam
Susanna, age 5, trying to help with Ilana
Dennis, he's got a beard in this picture
Me, 20 years younger, holding 3 month old Naomi, trying to coax 3 year old Ilana into the picture
My mom
Likely my dad next to my mom but his whole head cut off from the picture
LouAnn getting things ready.

I'm thinking Ed, my sister's husband at that time is taking the picture. Good we can't see my father's face, he's probably nervous letting one of the 'kids' handle his camera.

Ilana's fussing about something. Getting 4 small children into a picture in a crowded room is not easy to do!

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