Sunday, December 24, 2023


 Remember Jonathan, who lived next door and was Suzie's best friend through childhood.  He married and moved to California for quite a few years (10?).  Marriage failed, he's back making connections.  He came to the Pops party and invited us to come listen to him sing on xmas eve at a local small church.  His older brother had a bigger part.  Sure, you do that for your kids, right?  Suzie, Megan and Scoutie came too.

They sang quite an ambitious Christmas cantata, quite the deal.  Jonathan is in the center underneath the picture.  Keith is next to him but I don't think you can see him.

But there's a catch.  Jonathan told me he was having surgery on Tuesday to remove part of his lung that was in the wrong place.  Turned out to be more involved and they removed 1/3 of his lung.  Didn't get out of the hospital until Friday afternoon.  I'm thinking that if you have involved lung surgery on Tuesday with extended hospitalization, you probably are not going to be singing in a choir performance on Saturday.   "Maybe he can come and hum," suggested Suzie.

But he was there and singing.  He said he asked the surgeon, "Can I sing in a Cantata on Sunday?  The surgeon said "Nobody has ever asked me that before."  He was looking a bit peaked at the end.  But he did it.  Young people!

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