Saturday, November 7, 2009

Photoessay #885 - Stormy Garage Sale

Blustery thunderstorms, torrential rain at times. Thunder and lightening frightening people and pets.

My neighbor and friend Anne had a garage sale today. She begged me to come this morning, no customers! Pouring rain and cold. Excuse the smudges and puddles on the lens. So I went over and hung out for awhile Mostly rainy and cold. The signs her daughter C made were amudged and sopping wet. After awhile some customers came. But we had a good time anyway.

Then a loud explosion, kaboom! I'm sure everybody else may have thought it might be gunshots. But I knew the sound.

"That", I declared "is a transformer exploding"

Sure enough, we had no power. I hate it when we lose our poser. I've never gotten over the period two or 3 years ago when we lost out power for 6 days.

But soon the City Light trucks came and did whatever, pumping out whatever, I dunno but after5 a few houros our power came back.


Never take your electric power for granted!

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