Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Photoessay #2422 - My class for the fall

It's a stretch but I'm going to do it. 

Archaeology 403 - The archaeology of landscapes

Study of landscapes in archaeology. Methods for landscape research: historic maps, diaries, aerial photographs, geophysical and satellite imagery, etc. Archaeological landscape surveys: principles and limitations. Review of various theoretical approaches. Examination of key case studies, issues on landscape heritage, and indigenous landscapes

The professor warns me that the reading might be difficult if I'm not familiar with archaeology.  So, hey, I have almost a month to get ready.  I found one archaeology textbook so I'm going to order it and read it.  That will work, right? 

I am ready for something completely different.  I will miss the second week but other than that, I should be good.  I keep telling myself that.

I'm always looking beyond the main part of pictures seeing what the landscape looks like.  Even today on my way back from Redmond, I was listening to an NPR piece about an Apache fire crew.  They told me what the landscape was like, because I want to know.

Picture taken from the landscape arachaeology department page from NUI Galway.  I don't know what it is but it definiely looks like it could have something landscapy

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