Monday, August 26, 2013

Photoessay #2421 - Conflicting narratives

I'm struggling to resolve one of those issues that can't really be resolved.

A young person dies (likely) as the result of an unknown accident.  The community wants to come together to mourn the young man who died too young.

And to support the family.

But what if things were not as they seemed?  What if the narrative built and accepted by most of the community does not match the view from the inside?

What if competing more challenging narratives fall into play?

Specifically I'm thinking of the effects on mental illness and substance abuse on an individual and on a family.  One principle that I've learned over and over is that substance abuse affects the whole family.  The chaos and suspension of ethical judgement shown by addicts flow outwardly in ever widening circles affecting all members of a family in complicated deleterious ways.

Add in the instability and destruction of ongoing escalating mental illness and family life might be completely blown apart with parents trying to keep a family's life stable with ever-increasing attacks from a young person who becomes increasingly more deranged and dangerous.

Not a pretty picture?  No kidding!!!

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