Friday, August 16, 2013

Photoessay #2411 - My article in the academy

Lookee here, my article is listed as part of one of the academic databases provided by the University of Washington Library.  Specifically American History and Life from Ebscohost.

Oh, I feel so important, it's been categorized and indexed and everything!  Look there's now an entry for Maier Zunder as a person.  Somebody ready my article and did all this classification.  Gave it six subject terrms, three geographical terms and one people term.


You can see it here but maybe only if you have access through an organization.  Apparently somebody could request the article through interlibrary loan.  Maybe as a .pdf through Ebsco?  Maybe I should try it????  So tempting.  I can't resist!  I'm going to do it and see how it works.

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