Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Photoessay #2877 - More spring

As I mentioned, spring takes a long time to develop in the northwest.  Lasts forever.  However everything in Seattle looks gorgeous in May. 

It's rhody time!

I'll feature two pictures from my yard.  One is an early picture of my huge deep pink rhody just coming into bloom.  Just ready to burst.  Maybe I'll have another one in a few days.  But right now, it's full of anticipation and promise.

And my red rhody in the front.  I keep whacking this old bush, it's (what's the word when the branches get long with a bloom at the end)?  I really went for it this year and I think it did some good.

Keep in mind that I turned down the saturation on the flower shot because it was just so bright.  Still is.  Looks gorgeous for about one week, that's it.

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