Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Photoessay #2878 - Naches

Naches is a Yiddish word that means "pride" or "joy." Typically naches refers to the pride or joy that a child brings a parent.

As in "Naches to you for your son being a doctor and winning the big prize."  Somewhat idiomatic and outdated.  And not always available for parents wishing success for their children.

Especially in parent group where part of the parent's struggle is to let go of naches, the idea that their precious child will bring them honor.  Or at least graduate from high school without a criminal record.  Sometimes that is too much to ask.

But sometimes a parent can beam proudly over their adult child's honor.

Here's a great example.  I have a friend whose son is a graduate student; he's had some promising research ideas and presented at a major scientific conference.  And lookee here.  He's listed as first author in a paper in Science magazine, a major journal.  Not only that, it's the cover story!!!

Not a bad place to start!  This definitely counts as naches to his parents.

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