Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Photoessay #2870 - More warm weather chores

We do not get warm sunny weather here very often.  So you have to take advantage of it when it shows up.  Most of all, people garden though that's not appropriate for me.

My friend Ann (who's coming to help with the pots) told a funny story about this.  When she was younger, she and her husband lived in San Jose CA.  Whenever the weather was nice, she was out there working in the yard because, if weather's nice, you better get out there now.  But the weather is nice a lot in San Jose.  Her neighbors thought she was some kind of yard fanatic because she was always out there.

We took advantage of the weather by washing our quilt.  Dennis convinced me to put it in the washing machine.  I was wary but we tried it and it worked.  It does have some damage to it.  It's very old, it belonged to my in-laws.  I don't know the provenance.  Before we had washed it in the bathtub, but it didn't get that clean.  So we even dried it outside last weekend.  Unbelievable!

See the poor condition of the pots.  That's what I hope to get done this afternoon!

Think I should submit yesterday's photo to a cute pet contest??

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