Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Photoessay #2869 - More sunbathing

I know I've posted pictures of Starbaby (the cat) and Teddy (the dog) sunbathing together in the backyard in the past.  But they hit a new high in mutual relaxation.  We're in a spat of nice weather here (80 degrees is considered a heat wave) and they like to sun themselves on the deck.

How old is Starbaby?  We can't quite remember but I think she's at least 8 years old and Teddy (the dog) is 4 years old.  When Starbaby was a tiny kitten, a dog in the household helped care for the kittens so she's always had the idea that dogs should do her bidding.  She knows how to train dogs.  She trained our previous large dog Shadow and she's trained Teddy (puppy of a rescue dog, could be part pit though I deny it).

So yesterday, I looked outside and there they were soaking up the rays.  Together.

Pretty cute; think I could enter it in a cute pets contest?

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