Monday, May 6, 2013

Photoessay #2868 - Interstate 65

Though we didn't exactly plan it, our recent trip was all about Interstate 65

The Biofuels Corridor according to the Indiana Office of Energy Development...meaning that they have a project going where you can drive all across the state with enough places to buy biofuel.

I65 runs from Gary, Indiana to Mobile, Alabama through


From Lake Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico.

Shortly before our trip, we decided to skip the flight in the middle from Indiana to Alabama via Chicago Midway and drive it instead.  Dennis really wanted to do this.  Now, a rental car company is going to charge you lots of dollars to pick up a car in Chicago and return it to Mobile.  But we did it anyway.  I agree that it made a nicer trip.

Going on the Interstate, you don't see much.  Hardly any houses let alone towns.  Mostly.  Had that experience also when driving from Hartford to Boston last fall.

Dennis wanted to see the country, we had never been that way.  I promised miles of beautiful horse farms in Kentucky (like I had seen in 1974) but that must have been a different part of Kentucky because we didn't see even one.

We got off I65 to go down to the Gulf of Mexico to get to Fort Morgan on the spit at the edge of Mobile Bay bur returned to the very end of I65 to get to the sleepy airport in Mobile.

We went around Indianapolis, went through Louisville, Nashville, Montgomery on our way to Birmingham..  Nashville's freeways were crazy, clearly unplanned.  All we could do was follow the signs and hope we would come out the other side.

Birmingham - The Magic City
Mobile - The Cruise City
Lafayette - The Star City (just looked that up)
Seattle - Emerald City

Map and a characteristic picture of I65

Have a plan for the flower pots.  Dennis is going to move everything into place Tuesday night, then my friend Ann along with Danny and Jessica have agreed to come and do the actual planting and maybe moving back if they feel like that.

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