Sunday, May 5, 2013

Photoessay #2867 - So now, how to plant them.

I went out and bought the plants for my pots.  Lots of 'em.  See them on the picnic table.

Now, how to get them planted.  The only part I can do is to do the actual planting.  There's much more to getting the job done.  The pots are

1. by the front door (impatiens, mostly)
2. on the top deck I (I can put petunias there because the slugs can't climb stairs)
3. on the downstairs deck

A few pots have pansies from last year that already look nice.

So the pots have to be lugged to a work area, pull out the dead plants, get rid of a bunch of the old plants, move big bags of soil around, put some new soil in, plant the plants, water them, put them back.  There's about 20 total.

Last year, Susanna, Megan, Danny, Melina, Naomi (not sure) and Dennis were here.  We work an hour and it's all done.  But this year, like a lot of other times, I don't have the workforce.  My friend Ann has offered to help.  Maybe I'll see if Danny can come over. 

Next Sunday?  Dennis kind of wants to go to Central Washington and that won't work for Danny.  Saturday, I have the rep meeting at 2pm, maybe before?

They WILL get planted, just not sure how. 

Dennis moved them to the picnic table in the back yard.

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