Friday, May 3, 2013

Photoessay #2865 - A touch of Colorado

Stealing a bit from my niece Krystal's honeymoon pictures.  Once, I went to that part of Colorado.  It was way before the beginning.  Probably around 1980?  A sales meeting for ADP in Colorado?  Many many moons ago.  But we were in the 'four corners' area and got to see the Mesa Verde Indian dwellings.  At that time, there weren't many women in tech support and sales so the ratio was way off.  I came out the other side.

I am a huge fan of green landscapes but this landscape has its appeal.  Dramatic and clear air.

Managed to get to my section today with a combination of disabled parking and the dial-a-ride bus.  Which didn't show up for the return trip.  But it all worked out. 

I wonder if I have some old pictures of that Colorado trip in some album somewhere.  Probably not, I think I've looked at every snapshot in this part of the universe in the last year or two.

Picture taken by Krystal Kneip Moench

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