Monday, April 29, 2013

Photoessay #2861 - Symposium

I'm attending most of this symposium at UW

Just because I can mostly.

To be a part of the academic community.  Kinda.

It's put together by Professor Naar.  I'm taking his class.

Sephardic Jewry, mmm, not my group particularly...isn't that always the case with the scholars working so hard to put together their own academic community?  The Ashkenazi always seem to seize the narrative.

Heard quite a few papers about the Jews of North Africa, this morning.  Sorry to leave the session about the Greek Jews this afternoon but time to come home.  Really interesting presentation about Salonika and I would love to hear Prof Naar present his paper.

Never have gone to something like this before.  The scholars sit around a big table and the they discuss.  And we're in the audience.  Listening silently, enjoying the free lunch.

But new ideas and I love hearing about an area mostly new to me.

Fun...I'm planning on attending the morning session tomorrow.

Photo from the front of the program

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