Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Photoessay #2862 - My father's yahrzeit

I celebrated my birthday on our recent trip.  And also my father's yahrzeit (the anniversary of his death).  Yes they're the same day.  Just the way life goes.

So my sister suggested that we go to temple on his yahrzeit.  Sounded like a good idea, too bad Charl couldn't come.  I hadn't gione on his yahrzeit though he died seven years ago.  I've gone for my mom's date.

It's a sad thing to do it; it was good but sad.  Pam had his name read by the rabbi.  So Pam, Dennis, Ilana, Matt and I went.  Afterwards we went to the ice cream place for my birthday.

A picture of Allen Sidney Ginsburgh as a young man, a teen?  I don't know, maybe my aunt would know.  It was in my sister's book. But it's him, all right.  A young man from a middle class family in Boston....

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