Sunday, April 28, 2013

Photoessay #2860 - Susanna's castle

So we're home and lots of the pictures are on the other machine.

But happy to be home, picking up the loose strands of what we left behind 10 days ago.

But back to the trip, we drove around 1300 miles from Chicago to Fort Morgan Alabama on the Gulf of Mexico.  Visited Ilana in Indiana and Susanna in Alabama.

Susanna was delighted to be at the beach.  Those than know her know that she loves to make elaborate sand castles.  The sand on the Gulf of Mexico was fine and soft, good for building and sifting everywhere.

First picture was on our first day; pre-big time sunburn with Susanna getting together her first castle with her usual enthusiasm.  Second picture was Friday with the next castle.  She and Megan didn't quite get the need for the sun screen ("Mom, you must have had that same thing of sun screen since I was five years old!") and got vacation-grade sunburns.

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