Saturday, April 27, 2013

Photoessay #2859 - no internet at beach

We're on our way home.  Leaving Alabama which was just fine.  We've spent the last few days at the beach almost all the way to Fort Morgan way out on the end the spit which nearly encircles Mobile Bay; one side (where we were) was the Gulf of Mexico, the other side, Mobile Bay  Very very beachy; my mother would have loved it.  We stayed at a condo near the end of the road; fun.  But you have to buy your groceries in Gulf Shores 20 miles away because there's really no other options.

No internet in our condo; I would have had to go to a lot of trouble to get to it so I decided to take a break and it was great.

Susanna and Megan didn't bother to use sun-screen and got beach vacation grade sunburns.  The sand was soft and fine; great for sand castles which Susanna loves to build.  In the evenings we watched softball games on ESPN which was great as Susanna has a lot to add.

Now at the Mobile airport, took a long time to get together, maybe Pensacola might have been a better choice. Followed the google maps directions and had the prettiest drive.  Mobile airport is very sleepy.  Nice facility but real relaxed and not crowded.

Now several people had suggested we tried boiled peanuts.  So, on the way back, we passed a farmer's market.  I asked, they said there were hot ones in the bakery.  So I bought some, they only sold a whole bunch for $3.  And it was water boiling and peanuts floating.  Very very hot.  Hot soggy peanuts.  Yuck!  I didn't like them hot nor when they cooled down.  We got them through security but the gave up on them.

So we're coming home!

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