Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Photoessay #2858 - Vulcan

Vulcan and the moon - taken my Susanna

Birmingham is a relatively new city.  Founded and organized in the 1870s - post Civil war.  Steel and coal reigned here.  But has now declined along with the population.  In general, everything looks like the owner ran out of money 30 years ago.

But in 1904, the boosters wanted to celebrate their steel prowess and commissioned this statue of Vulcan, which gestures above a big tower on a high hill.  All lit up.

So last night we went to see Vulcan and generally messed around with the camera and the view in the dusk.

Today we went to the Brimingham Horticulture Garden and to a very intense Civil Rights Institute.

I can already hear myself picking up the vowel sounds.

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