Thursday, April 11, 2013

Photoessay #2855 - I know I can fix it

I've drafted up a lot of my scrapbook article.

But does it ever need work.  But I know I can fix it.  It will just take awhile.  Don't know enough if I can get enough done to share it with my writing group this weekend.  I took it to my Inner Circle group yesterday and it generally stank.  Repetitive, person all over the place (I can't figure out if I should use third or first).  Not fatal.  Just needs work.

Don't know how much I can get done tonight and tomorrow afternoon.

I think a Pagliacci pizza would help, don't you?

I took this picture from an academic editing business.  Without permission.

Went to my class down at UW, young professor a terrific lecturer.  Difficult subject, the Holocaust.

Remember I said I was going to get a Pagliacci Pizza, a local 'not so cheap' pizza business.

I like to go for their specials.  So I ordered a Spring Sausage primo, went to my local store to pick it up.

I have my debit card to pay for it and they say "This one's on us!  No charge,"  What?  Nope, they meant it, check out the card with the people signing it.  Now I've bought quite a few pizzas from them over the years and I've never heard of this.  Maybe it should have gone to somebody who might be needy, but I guess it was in the air.

Thanks, Pagliacci for the free pizza.  Here it is.  I had to include Teddy's interest

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