Saturday, April 6, 2013

Photoessay #2850 - Catalyst Tools

If you are a UW student, you can get supplementary materials, assignments, use class discussion boards.

Using Catalyst Tools.

If you can figure it out.

In my Genealogy class, Jill was a whiz and had those Catalyst Tools all working.  Then I think I forgot about them for the next several quarters.  Last quarter, the professor used his own website so everything was easy easy.  This quarter, I was aware that there were readings available so I gave it a shot and somehow bumbled into the right 'tools' showing.

My friend Mary Ann called.  We're taking different classes at the same time.  We tried my 'just go there and screw around and maybe you'll find it' technique.  Which didn't work.

Sometimes I wonder why they even let us in there.  But she's persistent, and she'll figure it out.

I looked for a picture to use but instead ran into this art supplices company with the same name which have very cool brushes and wedges and you can make beautiful bright things with their products.

If you knew how.

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