Sunday, April 7, 2013

Photoessay #2851 - It IS spring

See, my camellia is blooming.  I have a huge bush in my front yard which blooms like crazy even in its state of neglect.  You can see my largrish azalea in front of it, also in a state of neglect.  I describe my shrubbery as simultaneously being in a state of overgrown and half-dead.  But my camellia bush blooms on.

Yes, it's raining and yes it's in the low 40s.  Seattle springs, goes on like this forever.  Have I already forgotten last weekend when it was sunny at 70 degrees?  Yes.  Thirty five years ago, whne I moved to the northwest, if I would comment on some nice weather, the locals would say "Um, yeah, but it will be gone soon."  35 years, does that make me a local?  Probably.

A friend of mine has bought a retirement home in Carlsbad, CA.  North of San Diego on the coast.  It sure looks good there.  Sunny, 65 degrees, uh oh but there's a weather alert.  Oh, high surf.  Too bad.  We live on the water, well not me personally on the water, unless you count backyard mud.  I tried to convince Susanna once that we lived on waterfront.

But my camellia bush is pretty.  Good if you like it damp.

My UW library account is messed up.  I cannot live without my UW library account.  I think I know the cause; I'm hoping I can fix it.  Ironically it has to do with Husky Football.

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